Real Estate Today

Real Estate Today is brought to you by The Phoenix and Jennifer Daywalt, Phoenixville's Home Town Realtor, and the Top Realtor for 5 years! Jennifer not only works in Phoenixville but lives here! Jennifer can be reached at Re/Max Results Realty at 610-489-7355 or directly at 610-999-7693. Questions can be e-mailed to Jennifer at More information can be found at!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

blog 7 2 2010

Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!

blogs 7 1 2010

Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!


Many buyers are looking for the deal and are trying to go in the direction of Foreclosures. Unfortunately for buyers and fortunately for Sellers there are not many foreclosures in this immediate area. However when you do find one there is much to learn before moving in that direction.

First realize that the bank is an institution. They are not concerned about who is purchasing the home, they are not concerned about just getting out from under, they are concerned about their bottom line and they are willing to wait to get their number. I have heard time and time again from buyers that the banks want to “dump” these properties and they can get them for pennies on the dollar. This is a HUGE myth among those that are not familiar with the Real Estate Market and Foreclosures. The banks want their bottom line and they will hold out. There are billions of dollars in foreclosures across the country, even though there aren’t many in our area. The buyers need to realize that one home does not mean much to the bank and in reality they have already taken the loss they are ready to take.

That being said there are a few exceptions. Sometimes you have an agent from out of the area that list these homes well below market value. If this is the case you need to be ready to purchase and settle within 30 days with Cash if you want to stay in the competition. You also have to be willing to accept these homes as-is and realize that you are responsible for any Use and Occupancy issues as well as all the transfer tax in most instances.

I mention cash because if a home is priced considerably under market value the investors will jump on these properties quickly and career investors normally will pay cash for a property to put them ahead of anyone else looking to purchase a “deal”.

If the home is not considerably under market value you still can get a “deal” but normally not a “steal”. The banks are a business and not in the business to lose money. So you may be able to secure a home under market value but not as far under market value as some may think.

For more information and/or listings that are in foreclosure status contact Jennifer Daywalt @ 610-999-7693.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Short sales

The most asked question I receive concerns short sales. There are short sales available but not as many as the general public may think. Short sales take a lot of patience on the part of the buyer. It can take weeks, sometimes months to receive an answer from the bank on whether or not they are willing to accept the offer and in the meantime they can be accepting additional offers. If you are looking for a quick answer short sales are not the way to go for you.

Some of the time needed for a short sale can be cut even shorter if the Realtor on the Seller side has started some of the paperwork and have gotten the paperwork started. The Realtor will need written permission from the Seller and given to the bank in order to start the process. There is paperwork that can be started prior to receiving an offer.

If you are interested in short sales it is imperative that you utilize a Realtor who has EXPERIENCE with these types of sales. It is a very tedious process and if your Realtor does not know the ins and outs you will have many issues and it will proceed slower than usual.

For more information on available short sales, the process of purchasing a short sale or if you feel you will be Seller in a short sale position contact Jennifer Daywalt @ 610-999-7693.

6 30 2010 blog

Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Buying vs. Renting

At this time many buyers are reconsidering the choice of renting a home vs. buying a
home. Although I am not an accountant it is a known fact that there are tax benefits to owning your own home such as added deductions.
The market at this time is prime for buyers and it’s difficult to believe that buyers are not taking advantage of what is available to them. The prices are low and the rates are low.
Many times it is possible to have most of your closing costs paid for by the seller. The market will begin to move towards a seller’s market as the market is and has always been cyclical and many buyers will find that they missed out on an amazing opportunity to own a home.
Now is the time to buy if paying someone else’s mortgage and taxes does not appeal to
you. In the future you will have instant equity in your home, what a great way to build capital. You will have pride of home ownership and you will have a lesser tax burden.
Whether you want a single home with a yard or a condo/townhome that is easy enough to
care for, the deals are available!
For information on all homes available in Phoenixville as well as all the surrounding
areas, contact Jennifer Daywalt at Re/Max Results at 610-999-7693 and be on your way!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Price your home to sell!

Price! This is the number one piece of advice that can be given to any home seller in this market. You must price your home to be competitive and to get it sold. This does not mean under pricing, it means the right price. Showings are minimum right now for listings, do not give buyers another reason not to view your home. Sellers need to forget about the market a couple of years ago…it does not exist. And it does not help to look back and talk about what a neighbor received for their home 2 years ago as it has no bearing on today’s market. Hire an experienced Realtor in your neighborhood. Don’t take their work on the market price, look at the comps they prepare for you. Be honest with yourself. You may have a cherry kitchen and a seller down the street had a maple kitchen but that will not matter in this market. If you are honest and realistic you will be in a better position to sell your home.

Pay close attention to the feedback you receive. If buyers are responding that the home is on a narrow street, a busy street, needs work or the yard is not large enough what they are telling you is that the house is overpriced. If you hear these objections over and over again adjust your price! Homes will sell when priced correctly.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Difficult market days

We are experiencing a difficult Real Estate Market at this time. A market that requires patience. Sellers are frustrated along with Real Estate Agents. Prices are good, rates are good yet it seems the buyers are sitting on the fence much longer than usual. They are not making decisions regarding purchasing homes. Financing is difficult. This will turn around. It will take patience and perseverance on the part of Agents and Sellers alike. Adjustment to asking prices are being made and repairs to the homes on the market. It is imperative at this time that homes are priced where they need to be and that they are in very good condition as the competition is heavy.


Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!


Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!


Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!


Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!


Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!

real estate blogs for The Phoenix

Good Morning,
Here are blogs for the Phoenix regarding Real Estate.  Are the blogs also going to additional newspapers or are they only in the Phoenix?  I am sending one by one.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ask the Realtor

Jennifer Daywalt, Realtor
Re/Max Results Realty
Top Realtor 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Author of "Ask The Realtor" Saturday The Phoenix Newspaper
Main Office 610-489-7355
Direct Line 610-999-7693

I LOVE Referrals!